REVIEW: Amps For Christ’s “Canyons Cars And Crows”

 photo AmpsForChrist_cover_zps841d995e.jpg The first few songs on Amps For Christ’s Canyons Cars And Crows (Shrimper) shows an act that wants to make deep electronic mini-sculptures, and I was very happy with that. When the album hits the fourth song with “Barely Breathe”, a human voice comes out of the speaker and I feel like I’m entering a world of thought provoking ethereal pop. The next songs returns to the electronic haphazardry, but then returns into something electronic, something rocking, something folk-pop, but always layered in slight lo-fi distortion. Amps For Christ… it would be too easy to say “they don’t know if they want to be” this genre or that genre, but I feel they want to cover a lot of ground, and are good at what they do without sounding like they’re trying to make an effort to do it all. It’s effortless, and in this case it’s a good thing, it’s just a part of their creativity. This is a long way from Henry Barnes’ roots as the man behind Man Is The Bastard but in the end, maybe it isn’t. It’s just a new set of clothing.

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