REVIEW: Megafauna’s “Maximalist”

 photo Megafauna_cover_zps33a83d6c.jpg Gritty and bastardized, that’s one of the ways I like to hear my rock, and it is smacked around in fine fashion, courtesy of Megafauna. They are an Austin, Texas trio who write lyrics in honest and direct ways, twisted it up with bold arrangements, and combine these and other elements to create something that should be heard by the masses but isn’t, that feel good rock that always seems to be enjoyed by those who prefer to seek what feels right, not what feels now because it’s the hip thing to do. Maximalist (Danimal Kingdom) can be one thing of fierce rock of an independent nature, but when they drift into these progressive elements, and then get into something that sounds like mid to late 60’s pop or R&B, it made me go “whoa, what are they doing because it sounds awesome.” Maybe awesome is a cliched word, but Megafauna sounds quite good because they evenly balance things off throughout the album, as well as each song, and then they wipe you out with the unexpected, whether it’s a pretty ballad or a portion of the song that is meant to carry you to the next level of emotion. It’s a fine recording that swings the listener around like a theme park ride, only to want to pay admission to experience it again.

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